Friday 4 November 2011

Posted by Unknown On 05:48

Some time it is not possible to get update with the latest News from different web sites, For this you have to access each and every web sites and i know it is not possible for busy person, IT will be much good if you can access all these news from single web site but thequestion is that is it possible ?, Answer is yes for this you need to, Google Reader is accessible from gmail account UserID and Password or you can create new also, After login in to the google reader site you will get a+Add a Subscription button, You need to click this button then you will get a Text Box with Add button, With the help of this button you can add the different site RSS Feed URL(To get Feed URL you need to visit site url for which you want feed URl, Almost every site have a feed URL and if you are unable to find this then you can enter the Simple Site URL, For example if you want latest new from then just put in to Add Subscription Text box) , And get different sites latest news on one single place.


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