Thursday 8 September 2011

Posted by Unknown On 05:08

Ever wanted to be a hacker? I always and shall. The beauty of this word lies in the fact that even today, the more I want to understand it, the more mysterious and vast it gets. Many often think of hackers as people with a high degree of “computerness” in them and some even perceive them as breakers who smash systems down. Well, that’s really melodramatic. The reality and gist of the term is more vast and ideal.

My understanding defines “hackers” as people who want to understand everything they are interested in, try playing with the conventions of the system that surrounds their interest and often tweak their practical object of focus and interest in a never thought of way to realize a betterment and deeper understanding. It is this deep understanding that differentiates a hacker from the mass and also quenches the so called “thirst” of a hacker. The realization of this satisfaction gained through the knowledge acquired is a motive of truly a supreme kind. And if you stare from these nooks, you would find them not only in the world of 0’s and 1’s but also all around yourself. As an example: To me, even a passionate driver who drives in the big cities might qualify for a hacker for he has mustered the roads of communication. And if he is what I think he is, I would often see a look on his face, as he discovers a new sub lane which might gain him a few minutes, and believe me, it has always been infectious.

World has always merited the hackers and shall continue to do so for their brilliance remains unquestionable. Deep down, it’s the hunger and the focus which is the real winner. Questioning the existing is the rule which rules them, as says Albert Einstein “The important thing is not to stop questioning”.

Few are those who can see with their own eyes and hear with their own hearts.-Sanjay Thakkar


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