Thursday 22 September 2011

Posted by Unknown On 08:17
In these few days facebook changed their chatbox. I dont like this new chat box sometimes it irritates me too..

   So  I started  research and made some steps for block the unwanted friends from chatbox yahhhh...

Yup this is new version of chatbox in facebook....

The Solution on How to Bring Back the Old Facebook Chat Box:

The good news is that there's a get-around with it. If you're using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as your internet browser then you can simply download a script or add-on, respectively.

Solution to Mozilla Firefox

Install this Firefox Facebook Sidebar Chat Reversion Greasemonkey add-on. Once you're done downloading it, simply restart your browser and you will be greeted with the old Facebook chat box. 

 Solution to Google Chrome

Google Chrome users don’t need to download Greasemonkey since the Chrome browser natively supports the extension so all you need to do is install the Chrome / Firefox Facebook Sidebar Chat Reversion user script.

Google Chrome also allows you to get back the old Facebook chat interface while in Incognito Mode. To do that, just tick the box that says “Allow in Incognito” under “Facebook Sidebar Chat Reversion” in Extensions (Settings > Tools > Extensions).

       Block Facebook Friends From Chat

Chatting with one friend in Facebook, others come to disturb you. Unlike the other internet messengers for chatting, Facebook doesn’t have option of directly blocking certain person in chat room. Here is one way to block friend in the Facebook by creating groups.
Follow the following easy steps and you can block friends in Facebook chat:
1) Login to you Facebook Account and click on more tab of left side list tab of facebook.

2) Now you will see the page like this:

Now click on Create list .
And now add name anything like "BlockList".
Now on your old chat box You will see new list Of name BlockList whatever you added name:

3)The chat box will appear with new friend list(s). Drag the online friends on the list. You can select which friend to keep in which group. Drag the friends which you want to block  in the same group. Friends will be seen below the their respective list name

4)You will see a oval icon with white and green colour beside the friend list name. When pointing the pointer it shows Go Offline option, click there and you will be offline for the friends in that list. Literally, those friends are blocked for chatting. Again click the same icon, they will be unblocked.



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